Species search results
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Alpine galaxias Galaxias paucispondylus
- Species group: Fish
- Threat category: At Risk: Naturally Uncommon
- Distribution: South Island only.
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Angled fruit rush Juncus holoschoenus var. holoschoenus
- Species group: Sedges, rushes & grasses
- Threat category: Threatened: Nationally Critical
- Distribution: North Island, Canterbury
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Archey’s frog Leiopelma archeyi
- Species group: Frogs
- Threat category: Threatened: Nationally Vulnerable
- Distribution: Coromandel Peninsula and western King Country
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Australasian bittern Botaurus poiciloptilus
- Species group: Wetland birds
- Threat category: Threatened: Nationally Critical
- Distribution: Throughout New Zealand
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Australian fairy penguin Eudyptula novaehollandiae
- Species group: Coastal birds
- Threat category: At Risk: Recovering
- Distribution: Coastal areas around Otago and southern Canterbury, and Australia
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Banded dotterel Charadrius bicinctus bicinctus
- Species group: Coastal birds
- Threat category: Threatened: Nationally Vulnerable
- Distribution: Locally in coastal habitats, riverbeds, and occasionally farmland throughout New Zealand
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Banded rail Gallirallus philippensis assimilis
- Species group: Wetland birds
- Threat category: At Risk: Declining
- Distribution: Mostly northern North Island and northern South Island
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Barking gecko Naultinus punctatus
- Species group: Lizards
- Threat category: At Risk: Declining
- Distribution: Southern and eastern parts of North Island
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Bartlett’s rata Metrosideros bartlettii
- Species group: Trees
- Threat category: Threatened: Nationally Critical
- Distribution: Far north of North Island.
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Bignose galaxias Galaxias macronasus
- Species group: Fish
- Threat category: Threatened: Nationally Vulnerable
- Distribution: Mackenzie basin.
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Black mudfish Neochanna diversus
- Species group: Fish
- Threat category: At Risk: Declining
- Distribution: Northland, Auckland and Waikato.
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Black shag Phalacrocorax carbo novaehollandiae
- Species group: Wetland birds
- Threat category: At Risk: Naturally Uncommon
- Distribution: Widespread throughout New Zealand
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Bloodwood Coprosma wallii
- Species group: Shrubs
- Threat category: At Risk: Declining
- Distribution: North Island and South Island
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Blue duck Hymenolaimus malacorhynchos
- Species group: Forest birds
- Threat category: Threatened: Nationally Vulnerable
- Distribution: Locally in hill country of North and South Island
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Blue penguin Eudyptula minor
- Species group: Coastal birds
- Threat category: At Risk: Declining, At Risk: Naturally Uncommon
- Distribution: New Zealand shoreline, including Chatham Islands
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Bluegill bully Gobiomorphus hubbsi
- Species group: Fish
- Threat category: At Risk: Declining
- Distribution: Widespread.
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Bog clubmoss Lycopodiella serpentina
- Species group: Ferns
- Threat category: Threatened: Nationally Vulnerable
- Distribution: Northern North Island
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Brachyglottis perdicioides
- Species group: Shrubs
- Threat category: Threatened: Nationally Critical
- Distribution: North Island, East Cape to Hawkes Bay
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Brachyscome pinnata
- Species group: Dicot herbs
- Threat category: Threatened: Nationally Critical
- Distribution: Canterbury
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Brown mudfish Neochanna apoda
- Species group: Fish
- Threat category: At Risk: Declining
- Distribution: Taranaki, Wanganui, Manawatu, Kapiti Coast,Wairarapa, NW Nelson, Westland.
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