Species search results
Searched: Threat Category = At Risk: Naturally Uncommon
Alpine galaxias Galaxias paucispondylus
- Species group: Fish
- Threat category: At Risk: Naturally Uncommon
- Distribution: South Island only.
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Black shag Phalacrocorax carbo novaehollandiae
- Species group: Wetland birds
- Threat category: At Risk: Naturally Uncommon
- Distribution: Widespread throughout New Zealand
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Blue penguin Eudyptula minor
- Species group: Coastal birds
- Threat category: At Risk: Declining, At Risk: Naturally Uncommon
- Distribution: New Zealand shoreline, including Chatham Islands
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Bulbophyllum tuberculatum Bulbophyllum tuberculatum
- Species group: Orchids
- Threat category: At Risk: Naturally Uncommon
- Distribution: North Island and Marlborough and North West Nelson in South Island
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Dracophyllum urvilleanum
- Species group: Shrubs
- Threat category: At Risk: Naturally Uncommon
- Distribution: Nelson
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Fierce lancewood Pseudopanax ferox
- Species group: Trees
- Threat category: At Risk: Naturally Uncommon
- Distribution: North Island and South Island
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Freshwater mussel Echyridella spp.
- Species group: Invertebrates
- Threat category: Threatened: Nationally Vulnerable, At Risk: Declining, At Risk: Naturally Uncommon
- Distribution: Widespread.
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Gadira petraula
- Species group: Invertebrates
- Threat category: At Risk: Naturally Uncommon
- Distribution: Northeast of the South Island as far south as Banks Peninsula
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Little black shag Phalacrocorax sulcirostris
- Species group: Wetland birds
- Threat category: At Risk: Naturally Uncommon
- Distribution: Throughout North Island and top of South Island
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Long-tailed cuckoo Eudynamys taitensis
- Species group: Forest birds
- Threat category: At Risk: Naturally Uncommon
- Distribution: Locally in indigenous and plantation forestry of the North and South Island
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Marsh fern Thelypteris confluens
- Species group: Ferns
- Threat category: At Risk: Naturally Uncommon
- Distribution: Northern North Island
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Mawhai Sicyos australis
- Species group: Dicot herbs
- Threat category: At Risk: Naturally Uncommon
- Distribution: Northland to Bay of Plenty
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Nephrolepis flexuosa
- Species group: Ferns
- Threat category: At Risk: Naturally Uncommon
- Distribution: North Island, in geothermal sites between Kawerau and Lake Taupō
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Rasp fern Blechnum zeelandicum
- Species group: Ferns
- Threat category: At Risk: Naturally Uncommon
- Distribution: North Island
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Streamside tree daisy Olearia cheesemanii
- Species group: Shrubs
- Threat category: At Risk: Naturally Uncommon
- Distribution: North Island and South Island
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Stuckenia pectinata
- Species group: Aquatic herbs
- Threat category: At Risk: Naturally Uncommon
- Distribution: North and South Islands
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Tarndale bully Gobiomorphus alpinus
- Species group: Fish
- Threat category: At Risk: Naturally Uncommon
- Distribution: Very limited distribution in inland Marlborough.
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