Species search results
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Pittosporum obcordatum
- Species group: Shrubs
- Threat category: Threatened: Nationally Vulnerable
- Distribution: North Island and South Island
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Pittosporum patulum
- Species group: Trees
- Threat category: Threatened: Nationally Vulnerable
- Distribution: South Island
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Pterostylis paludosa
- Species group: Orchids
- Threat category: At Risk: Declining
- Distribution: North western South Island and northern and central North Island
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Pterostylis puberula
- Species group: Orchids
- Threat category: Threatened: Nationally Vulnerable
- Distribution: North Island and South Island
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Pterostylis tasmanica
- Species group: Orchids
- Threat category: Threatened: Nationally Vulnerable
- Distribution: North Island and northern South Island
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Ranunculus ternatifolius
- Species group: Dicot herbs
- Threat category: Threatened: Nationally Vulnerable
- Distribution: North Island and South Island
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Rasp fern Blechnum zeelandicum
- Species group: Ferns
- Threat category: At Risk: Naturally Uncommon
- Distribution: North Island
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Red mistletoe Peraxilla tetrapetala
- Species group: Parasitic plants
- Threat category: At Risk: Declining
- Distribution: North Island and South Island
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Red-crowned parakeet Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae novaezelandiae
- Species group: Forest birds
- Threat category: At Risk: Relict
- Distribution: Mostly on offshore islands, but occasional mainland sightings throughout much of mainland New Zealand
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Redfin bully Gobiomorphus huttoni
- Species group: Fish
- Threat category: At Risk: Declining
- Distribution: Widespread.
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Reef heron Egretta sacra sacra
- Species group: Coastal birds
- Threat category: Threatened: Nationally Endangered
- Distribution: Shoreline throughout New Zealand
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Rough gecko Naultinus rudis
- Species group: Lizards
- Threat category: Threatened: Nationally Endangered
- Distribution: Marlborough, Canterbury
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Round-leaved half star Sebaea ovata
- Species group: Dicot herbs
- Threat category: Threatened: Nationally Critical
- Distribution: upper and lower North Island and eastern South Island
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Round-leaved Selliera Selliera rotundifolia
- Species group: Dicot herbs
- Threat category: At Risk: Declining
- Distribution: Horowhenua, North Island
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Royal fern Todea barbara
- Species group: Ferns
- Threat category: Threatened: Nationally Vulnerable
- Distribution: Northland and Bay of Islands
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Sand coprosma Coprosma acerosa
- Species group: Shrubs
- Threat category: At Risk: Declining
- Distribution: Coastal areas
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Sand daphne Pimelea villosa
- Species group: Shrubs
- Threat category: At Risk: Declining
- Distribution: North Island and South Island
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Sand gunnera Gunnera arenaria
- Species group: Dicot herbs
- Threat category: At Risk: Declining
- Distribution: North Island and South Island
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Sand tussock Poa billardierei
- Species group: Sedges, rushes & grasses
- Threat category: At Risk: Declining
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Scarlet mistletoe Peraxilla colensoi
- Species group: Parasitic plants
- Threat category: At Risk: Declining
- Distribution: North Island and South Island
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