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Scree skink Oligosoma waimatense
- Species group: Lizards
- Threat category: Threatened: Nationally Vulnerable
- Distribution: Marlborough, Canterbury, Otago
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Shore spurge Euphorbia glauca
- Species group: Dicot herbs
- Threat category: At Risk: Declining
- Distribution: North Island and South Island
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Short-tailed bat Mystacina tuberculata
- Species group: Bats
- Threat category: Threatened: Nationally Endangered, At Risk: Declining
- Distribution: North Island, South Island, Stewart Island
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Shortjaw kokopu Galaxias postvectis
- Species group: Fish
- Threat category: Threatened: Nationally Vulnerable
- Distribution: Primarily at low to moderate elevations, they inhabit bouldery forest streams.
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Skull cap Scutellaria novae-zelandiae
- Species group: Dicot herbs
- Threat category: Threatened: Nationally Critical
- Distribution: Nelson
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Small-scaled skink Oligosoma microlepis
- Species group: Lizards
- Threat category: Threatened: Nationally Vulnerable
- Distribution: Central North Island, including around Lake Taupo
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South Island robin Petroica australis australis
- Species group: Forest birds
- Threat category: At Risk: Declining
- Distribution: Widely distributed through Nelson-Marlborough and the northern West Coast, and in Fiordland. Sparse and patchy distribution through the central West Coast, with isolated populations in Otago and along the eastern Marlborough coastline.
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South Marlborough grass skink Oligosoma aff. polychroma Clade 3
- Species group: Lizards
- Threat category: At Risk: Declining
- Distribution: North Canterbury and central parts of Marlborough
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Southern crested grebe Podiceps cristatus australis
- Species group: Wetland birds
- Threat category: Threatened: Nationally Vulnerable
- Distribution: South Island lakes
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Southern grass skink Oligosoma aff. polychroma Clade 5
- Species group: Lizards
- Threat category: At Risk: Declining
- Distribution: Widespread over damper parts of Canterbury, Otago and Southland
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Southern New Zealand dotterel Charadrius obscurus obscurus
- Species group: Coastal birds
- Threat category: Threatened: Nationally Critical
- Distribution: Breeds only on Stewart Island, some migrate to Southland coasts after breeding
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Speckled skink Oligosoma infrapunctatum
- Species group: Lizards
- Threat category: At Risk: Declining
- Distribution: Central part of New Zealand, spanning both sides of Cook Strait
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Spotless crake Porzana tabuensis tabuensis
- Species group: Wetland birds
- Threat category: At Risk: Declining
- Distribution: Throughout New Zealand, but rarely reported in the South Island
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Spotted skink Oligosoma festivum
- Species group: Lizards
- Threat category: At Risk: Relict
- Distribution: Lower North Island, Marlborough Sounds and Nelson
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Stalked adder’s tongue fern Ophioglossum petiolatum
- Species group: Ferns
- Threat category: Threatened: Nationally Critical
- Distribution: North Island
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Starred gecko Naultinus stellatus
- Species group: Lizards
- Threat category: Threatened: Nationally Vulnerable
- Distribution: Nelson to northern Westland where it abuts the range of the West Coast green gecko on the Stockton Plateau
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Stout water milfoil Myriophyllym robustum
- Species group: Aquatic herbs
- Threat category: At Risk: Declining
- Distribution: North and South Islands
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Streamside tree daisy Olearia cheesemanii
- Species group: Shrubs
- Threat category: At Risk: Naturally Uncommon
- Distribution: North Island and South Island
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Striped skink Oligosoma striatum-done
- Species group: Lizards
- Threat category: At Risk: Declining
- Distribution: A widespread species with many populations yet to be discovered. Known from Auckland, Bay of Plenty, King Country, and Taranaki
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Stuckenia pectinata
- Species group: Aquatic herbs
- Threat category: At Risk: Naturally Uncommon
- Distribution: North and South Islands
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