Threat category:
At Risk: Declining?Regions:
Horowhenua, North Island
Key Features
- A creeping, mat-forming herb with buried, white stems and thick, rounded, shiny leaves that are held close to the ground surface. Flowers are borne on short stalks and are asymmetric, forming a ‘half star’ with five spreading petals united at the base. These flowers produce small green fruits.
Distribution and Habitat
- Lower western coast of the North Island from Patea to Paekakariki. Selliera rotundifolia is restricted to sand plains in coastal sand dune habitat.
- Habitat modification and loss, especially due to afforestation.
- Competition from invasive weeds (e.g. pampas grass).
- Damage from off-road vehicles.
Management Opportunities
- Survey for new locations.
- Mark known sites.
- Protection of habitat.
- Avoid afforestation of known sites.
Monitoring Options
- Check existing populations annually.
- Report new locations to DOC and NZPCN.
Further Information and Support
- New Zealand Plant Conservation Network (NZPCN).
- Weed management - Department of Conservation, Regional Councils
- References
- Dopson, S.R.; de Lange, P.J.; Ogle, C.C.; Rance, B.D.; Courtney, S. & Molloy, J. (1999). The conservation requirements of New Zealand’s nationally threatened vascular plants. Threatened Species Occasional Publication 13. Department of Conservation, Wellington.
- Heenan, P.B. (1997). Selliera rotundifolia (Goodeniaceae), a new, round-leaved, species from New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 35: 133-138.