Other names:
Hebe lavaudiana, Heliohebe lavaudianaThreat category:
At Risk: Declining?Regions:
Banks Peninsula and Port Hills, Canterbury
Key Features
- A low, semi-woody shrub up to 50 cm tall, the branches hugging the ground but the tips turned upward.
- The leathery leaves are spread at right angles to the stem, and are 2-3 cm long, oval, with toothed, reddened margins.
- Pinkish inflorescences are 2-3 cm long and occur at the branch tips.
Distribution and Habitat
- South Island, currently restricted to rocky places on Banks Peninsula, but formerly recorded from riverbeds on the plains.
- Habitat modification and loss.
- Browsing by goats.
Management Opportunities
- Survey for new locations.
- Mark known sites.
- Protection of habitat – avoid afforestation of known sites.
- Control goats.
- Ensure that forest owners are aware of potential habitats and can recognise the species.
Monitoring Options
- Check existing populations annually.
- Report new locations to DOC, NZPCN.
Further Information and Support
- New Zealand Plant Conservation Network (NZPCN). http://www.nzpcn.org.nz
- Pest control - Department of Conservation, Regional Councils.
- References:
- Poole & Adams (1994). Trees and shrubs of New Zealand. Maanaki Whenua Press, Lincoln.
- Wilson & Galloway (1993). Small-leaved shrubs of New Zealand. Manuka Press, Christchurch.