At Risk: Recovering

Showing results 1 – 9 of 9

  1. Australian fairy penguin Eudyptula novaehollandiae

    • Species group: Coastal birds
    • Threat category: At Risk: Recovering
    • Distribution: Coastal areas around Otago and southern Canterbury, and Australia
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  2. Kaka Nestor meridionalis

    • Species group: Forest birds
    • Threat category: Threatened: Nationally Vulnerable, At Risk: Recovering
    • Distribution: Large forests of the North and South Islands
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  3. New Zealand dabchick Poliocephalus rufopectus

    • Species group: Wetland birds
    • Threat category: At Risk: Recovering
    • Distribution: North Island, rare observations in South Island
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  4. New Zealand falcon Falco novaeseelandiae

    • Species group: Forest birds
    • Threat category: Threatened: Nationally Vulnerable, At Risk: Recovering
    • Distribution: Throughout most of New Zealand
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  5. North Island brown teal Anas chlorotis

    • Species group: Wetland birds
    • Threat category: At Risk: Recovering
    • Distribution: Natural remnant populations restricted to Northland, Great Barrier Island, and Coromandel. Reintroductions and expanding throughout
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  6. North Island kokako Callaeas wilsoni

    • Species group: Forest birds
    • Threat category: At Risk: Recovering
    • Distribution: Locally in indigenous forest of northern half of North Island
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  7. North Island weka Gallirallus australis greyi

    • Species group: Forest birds
    • Threat category: At Risk: Recovering
    • Distribution: Isolated populations in Northland and Bay of Plenty high country, otherwise mostly offshore islands and santuaries
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  8. Northern New Zealand dotterel Charadrius obscurus aquilonius

    • Species group: Coastal birds
    • Threat category: At Risk: Recovering
    • Distribution: Coastally throughout much of the North Island
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  9. Pied shag Phalacrocorax varius varius

    • Species group: Wetland birds
    • Threat category: At Risk: Recovering
    • Distribution: Coastal areas north of North Island, Nelson/ Marlborough and south of South Island
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